What is your refund policy? |
We want you to be happy with your purchase and will refund products that haven't been cut specifically for you. We ask that you please return these items with their original packaging. Yarns can be returned, if they are still labeled and in their original presentation. If you have asked us to wind them for you, we regret that we cannot give you a refund as they are not in original condition. The refund policy for classes can be found above under Class Information.
View the full Refund Policy & Class Information here.
What types of fibre art supplies do you carry? |
We carry supplies for: Quilting, Knitting, Crochet, Wool Applique, Hand Embroidery, Wool Felting, and Natural Dyeing.
Will you be expanding your inventory? |
Yes! We have a beautiful selection of supplies but will definitely be adding more to what we have on a regular basis. Bear with us as we grow. We appreciate your support in the mean time.
Do you have a loyalty program? |
Yes! Please leave your name, phone number and an email address with us and you will earn loyalty points. These points can be used to purchase product in our store. We keep track of your purchases in our data base so there is no card to carry around!