Something Fishy Cushion
Wooly Easter Eggs
Hinterland Dress
Dapper Dachshund
Spiked Lemonade Pillows
Fire Fly Tote
Hen House
NEW Sundress by Crabapple Hill
Emotional Support Chicken
Sweater Scarf
Field Mouse's Holiday
Intermediate Quilting
Woodland Loafers / Woodland Loafers Light
Embroidery on Knitting
Crochet Bunny
Embroidery Club
NEW Choose your own BOM
NEW Trade Winds by Sue Spargo
Tilda Christmas Stocking
Homegrwn by Sue Spargo
The Feel Good Dress
Owl and Hare Hollow
Truffle Duffle by Sue Spargo
Little Baskets Quilt
Make a Quilted Jacket